DiscoverStrandja is a non-profit organization, founded in 2003 by young and energetic experts in the sphere of tourism, regional development and transport with the sole purpose to promote the area of Strandja Mountain and National park and to enhance by all means its full growth as a tourist destination. During the year past our team established numerous contacts in the region and gathered a significant amount of information, summarized and presented on our web site, created especially for that reason. As our possibilities and knowledge of the region widen with each day past, we plan to update and enrich the contents of the pages by adding new information, other languages, photos, sounds and movies, etc., so we invite you to return here regularly.
Your opinion matters
In our efforts to improve this site we are open to new ideas and suggestions. Please take a few minutes to tell us what you liked or didn't like about our site, what you expected to find here but you couldn't, or just to share your opinion, which we would really value. It will increase our understanding of your needs, thus enabling us to present the most appropriate information and make it functional and accessible to you. Thank you!