 Goliamo Bukovo |
The village was founded about 150 years ago. It is beautifully situated along the two banks of the Fakiiska River and surrounded by beech forests. Besides the scenic, location, the greatest asset of the village seems to be the nearby MONASTERY "LIFE-GIVING SOURCE", which is the only preserved and acting monastery in Strandja due to the efforts of an active community lead by the monk Evtimii. Evtimii has taken upon himself the revival of the monastery as a personal cause. Since 1990 he managed to raise funds and mobilize volunteer help and public support for the rebuilding of the monastery church. The zealous monk's next plans are the construction of a bell-house and a special road to the Monastery which is now frequented by tourists and worships. On religious holidays they line before the monastery water fountain, eager to take a sip of the water, which is believed to have healing powers. Archaeologists have established that the spot where the today's monastery is situated has been a place of worship since pagan times. Orthodox Christian monasteries have been built on the same spot later and repeatedly destroyed due to the turns and twists of Medieval Bulgaria's history. Some historians assume that the Parorian monastery of Gregory Synait, founder of the Hesychast mistic school has been also located here. The last monastery, whose foundations and ruins survived until today dates back to 1887. In its heyday about the turn of the XX century the Goliamo Bukovo Monastery was the most substantial landowner in the area with over 100 hectars of land, large herds of sheep, half a dozen of flour mills, several solid buildings and warehouses. |